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Is Lifetime Cloud Storage Really a Good Investment?

Understanding the benefits of lifetime cloud storage options

Cloud storage has been around for several years now and has since become a major asset for businesses, schools, and virtually anyone who uses a computer or personal device. That having been said, people are still somewhat skeptical when it comes to purchasing lifetime cloud storage plans. The term “lifetime” carries a certain weight and finality to it which forces users to consider pros and cons much more carefully than a monthly or annual subscription.

Before giving a thumbs up or thumbs down to lifetime plans, let's take a look at the potential benefits of lifetime cloud storage.

Eliminates Routine Payments

Lifetime cloud storage plans only require a single one-time payment. This means no more recurring payments or billing. This is certainly a win if you’re in it for the long run, but might leave you on the fence if you only plan on using storage for a limited period of time like while at school or doing freelance gigs. If you foresee using cloud storage for longer than a few years, we highly recommend taking the dive and making the investment.

Prevents Suspended Accounts

Failing to make monthly and annual payments isn’t just stressful, it can often put your account at serious risk. Accounts left unpaid can get penalized by having their content frozen or worse, deleted. Lifetime payment plans eliminate the chances of this happening. This means that you can safely add content to the cloud and forget about it for months or even years without penalty.

Saves Money Over Time

Lifetime cloud storage plans typically cost 3-5 times more than annual plans, but are significantly cheaper over the course of a few years. Compare this to someone who renews their annual subscription every year:

cloud storage annual plan

As you can see, lifetime cloud storage plans can save users up to $900.00 over the course of a decade!

A Word of Advice

Hopefully, it’s been established by now that lifetime cloud storage plans are a good investment as long as you intend to use the service for an extended period of time. That being said, it’s important to select a cloud storage service that you anticipate will be around for years to come. Be sure to do your research and look for companies that have a history dating back several years as well as a solid reputation. That way, you can feel confident knowing you’re making the right choice.

Try It Out for Yourself!

Interested in seeing if lifetime cloud storage is right for you? Amaryllo Cloud offers 10 free gigabytes of lifetime storage for all users. Give it a test drive and see if ACS is the right platform for your storage needs.

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