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Phone Battery Draining Too Quickly? These 5 Types of Apps are the Biggest Suspects

Looking to get the most out of your new Apple iPhone, Samsung, or Google Pixel? Then you may want to avoid, or at the very least, tone down a few apps in particular. Having a phone battery draining while away from home can place you in a difficult predicament, so it’s important to be informed about what software is hurting your device the most. Here are five types of applications that will drain your battery faster than you can say “Pokemon Go.”

mobile phone, battery health

1. Social Media Apps

It should be of no surprise that social media apps like Facebook are crushing your battery power. Facebook alone accounts for a whopping 15% of average phone power drain. This is mainly due to the number of operations being run in the background including syncing contact information, running notifications, and performing numerous updates.

If you prefer to keep Facebook active on your phone while consuming less power, a solid solution is to download the Facebook Lite app. Facebook Lite focuses more on the core components, while eliminating chunky features that are responsible for a good percentage of drain.

2. Video Streaming Services

Video streaming services like Netflix and Disney+ drain considerable battery power while you watch your favorite movies and TV shows, and it would be quite odd if they didn’t. Truth be told, it’s very impressive that these services don’t consume MORE battery than they actually do. Netflix reportedly uses 20% battery power if left on in the background overnight, while Disney Plus consumes nearly the same amount. This number is substantially higher when movies are playing in high-definition at maximum brightness, but actual battery drain will vary depending on the device.

If you really want to reduce battery power when using these streaming services, the only option is to reduce the brightness or turn off background operations when not in use.

3. Mobile Games

Remember when games like Snake and Tetris were the pinnacle of mobile gaming? Well, things have definitely changed. Modern mobile games like Pokemon Go, PUBG, Clash of Clans, and even Candy Crush can and will consume tons of power in no time. These demanding applications will push your phone to its limits and are bound to increase your device's temperature and power consumption with continuous use. If you prefer to prolong your gaming experience, consider reducing the graphics/performance settings, turning down the brightness, or closing the game entirely when not in use

4. Dating Apps

Depending on how you treat your dating apps, your battery might not stand much of a fighting chance. While not as demanding as mobile games, dating apps like Tinder, OK Cupid, and Bumble often use location tracking during all hours of the day to search for potential matches. If you’re seeking a mate, you may want to consider taking a battery pack with you or trying the old fashioned way.

To save on power, disable localization services while on the move and resume activity whenever you’ve arrived at your destination. Mr or Mrs. Right wouldn’t want you using unnecessary battery power anyway.

5. News

If you rely on up-to-date notifications and news throughout the day, expect some serious power drain on your mobile device. Constant updates translate to ongoing app usage, so you can bet that BBC News, Google and Flipboard will cut your battery power significantly.


The average phone battery lasts 22 hours without the burden of applications, but that number can fluctuate by more than 50% when using one or more of the software types mentioned above. In order to ensure optimal usage, be conscious of the programs running in the background on your phone and exit out of anything you aren’t immediately using. After all, nothing feels worse than hearing the final goodbye ringtone or feeling the dying vibration of your closest digital companion.

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