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Organize Your Digital Clutter with PC Smart Album

Writer's picture: Olga.d Amaryllo - Olga.d Amaryllo -

Introducing Smart Album

To more easily search and manage your photos, files that are auto-backed up through Amaryllo Cloud's desktop software will now be automatically grouped into categories. Amaryllo Cloud uses algorithms to predict the similarity of different images of objects and estimate whether different images represents the same object and can recognize up to 80 different objects!

Where to find this feature in your Account?

Step 1: Files/folders that auto backed up from your PC or laptop can be find in your PC Uploads folder.

Smart Album

Step 2: Select a folder.

Select file

Step 3: Click on the label button on the top right corner.

Files in cloud storage and labels

Step 4: Labels in the same categories will be grouped together.

Smart search album

Step 5: Click on an album to reveal all of the photos in the same category.

Photo categories



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